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Application: Yamaha Banshee
Model Years: All

Application: Yamaha RD250, RD350 and RD400 (see note below)
Model Years: All

Yamaha RD250, 350 & 400 owners please note: Installing these reed valves will require modification of the intake port of the cylinders. While the bolt pattern is the same, the valve will not just slide in. Material removal on the intake port walls will be required. If you do not have the ability to carry out the modifications please do not purchase the valves.

The all-new VForce4 is built upon the solid foundation that has made the VForce3 such a success for the last 10 years. While the VForce3 has been continually refined over the years, this is a complete redesign of the entire system. We jokingly say, "The only thing we didn't change is the bolt pattern." However this is actually quite true. All the components that go into making a VForce reed valve system have been significantly changed since the VForce3.

VFORCE V4144-2

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